Abstract: Communication network models play a dominant role in design and monitoring of communication systems such as, Local Area Networks, Wide Area Networks and Metropolitan Area Networks. This paper addresses the development and analysis of a two node tandem communication network model with the assumption that the inter arrival times of the packets follows Weibull distribution. The transmission in both the nodes follows Poisson processes having dynamic band width allocation. It is further assumed that the packets after getting transmission from the first node may join the buffer connected to the second node or terminated with certain probability. This intermeadiatery departure of the packets have significant influence on the performance of the communication network. The performance of the network is evaluated by deriving explicit expressions for the network performance measures such as, the average content of the buffers, mean delay in the transmitters, the throughput of the nodes. Through numerical study, it is observed that the Weibull inter arrival time distribution parameters have significant influence on the performance measures. The dynamic band width allocation strategy reduces the congestion in buffers and improves the customer satisfaction. This model also includes some of the earlier models on particular cases. The time dependent nature of arrival rate of packets made the proposed model more flexible for analyzing several communication networks.
Keywords: communication network, performance evaluation, dynamic bandwidth allocation, performance measure.